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Western Major Baseball League

There have been some additional time changes to the 2002 WMBL schedule regarding Saskatoon's home schedule. Check out the "2002 Schedule" page for more details.

The SMBL has changed its name!  It is now the Western Major Baseball League.  Keep returning to the site to see its new logo.

It looks as though there will be yet another two teams added to the League this season.  In addition to Weyburn and Regina returning, the cities of Saskatoon and Yorkton are also submitting teams for the 2002 season.  The League would like to extend a warm welcome to the Saskatoon Yellowjackets and the Yorkton Cardinals!

SMBL President, Brian Hicke has resigned from his position for the 2002 season.  He has also resigned from his Presidency of the Melville Millionaires.  Brian is an avid baseball fan and dedicated SMBL supporter.  His hard work, innovation, and organization will be greatly missed by both organizations.  Special thanks to the Mills fan who wrote in to confirm how much the Millionaires club will miss him.

The 2001 SMBL season saw only 4 teams in the League.  The Weyburn Beavers took a second consecutive leave of absence, and the Regina Maaco Maroons, the newest edition to the League, also needed to take a year's leave from the SMBL.  This season, it looks as though both of these teams will be returning, which means a six team League for the 2002 season.

The 2001 SMBL Season is now completed. The SC Indians have won their second consecutive Championship, defeating the Lethbridge Bulls in four games.

Be sure to check out the 2001 All-Star Team and 2001 SMBL Award winner pages. The top 5 batters and pitchers in the League have also now been posted. Stay tuned for Playoff stats. They will be added shortly!

The SMBL is proud to announce that Phil Sobkow, veteran player of the Melville Millionaires, was drafted by the Detroit Tigers this year. Phil is originally from Calder, SK.

Geoff Freeborn of the Melville Millionaires has now tied Quinton Steinley's record for most strike-outs in a game at 15. He tied the record on June 29th against the Moose Jaw Millers.

The 2001 SMBL All-Star game has been cancelled. See the 2001 All-Star game page for more details.

Quinton Steinley of the SC Indians has set a new record for most strike-outs by a pitcher in a single game. He struck out 15 players in the June 12th game against the Lethbridge Bulls. He held the record last year with 14 strike-outs.